Bankruptcy Can Get Rid Of Credit Card Debt
Credit cards are all too easy to use, especially when you are having trouble paying your bills. We all think we will be able to pay off the balance by the time the bill arrives. Unfortunately, many times, people are unable to pay more than the minimum balance due. Skipping the payment completely is even worse; the fees and rates begin to multiply when this happens.
If you are struggling to pay credit card bills, filing bankruptcy may be an option. At Woodall & Woodall in Valdosta, we have helped thousands of clients in southern Georgia eliminate credit card debt through bankruptcy. Talk to our lawyers today to learn whether it may be the answer for you. Your consultation is free.
You do not need to travel to Valdosta for help. We frequently travel to surrounding communities, such as Albany and Thomasville to assist our clients.
How Credit Card Bills Add Up
Using credit cards to pay for staples and monthly expenses is something many people have to do when they are underemployed or in debt. For months, you may have been using credit cards to pay utility bills and buy things such as:
- Groceries
- Gas
- Clothes
- School supplies
- Medicine
Regardless of what you purchased, your card balances quickly become unmanageable. The rates may have skyrocketed to unreasonable amounts that made paying even the minimum balance impossible.
We understand. This happens to people in America every day. Filing bankruptcy can help you eliminate credit card debt. You can discharge credit card debt in bankruptcy. Exceptions may include luxury purchases and cash advances made shortly before filing. We'll review your statements and explain whether any of your debt is not dischargeable.
Speak With One Of Our Attorneys
For a free consultation, please call 229-232-8585. You can also complete the online contact form if you prefer. Wherever you are in south Georgia, we can help.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.