Georgia Bankruptcy Blog

A Note About Family

Written by Orson Woodall | Aug 25, 2021

I normally send out blogs concerning financial information that I think will be helpful to our clients. This month I just wanted to take a minute to talk about family.

When I was in church Sunday, I looked down the pew at my three grandsons – 15, 14, and 10. They are growing at an incredible rate. It's not a surprise that they'll be tall – The 15 year old is already 6'1" and will probably be 6'5" within the next 12 months.

The point of my rambling is to just say that your kids and grandkids are going to be grown and gone before you can blink your eyes.

Now Is The Time

Now is the the time to enjoy them.

Now is the time to teach them life lessons.

Now is the time to teach them responsibility and to show up on time.

Now is the time to plant spiritual seeds that will grow in them.

Now is the time to make sure they understand the importance of taking school seriously.

Now is the time to make sure they are picking the right friends (let them know that if they lay down with dogs, they'll get fleas).

Don't Let The Now Get By You

I know I'm preaching, but the now will be gone before you realize it. The worst thing that can happen is for you and me to come to a point where we have to say, "I wish I had done better with my kids or grandkids." When we say that, we've let the now get by us.

Let's re-dedicate ourselves to being better parents and grandparents.

Best regards,
